Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Season of Reflection

I have spent the majority of past few months in reflection. I have attended small groups, EUIP programs, Sunday service, two retreats and a Lenten series within the past two months. 
The result has been this:

 I am committed to learning, growing, exploring
I didn't have to do a year of service. In fact, many people wonder why I did. I chose to commit myself to a year of living in intentional community, to working towards social justice by giving my time and talents to a non-profit for 40+hours a week and getting paid for a month about the same as I made one night at the bar. I am doing this because I am looking to live a more meaningful life, I want to work towards social justice, and doing a year of service is the best way I could think of to begin that journey.

I am opening myself up to vulnerability
I have learned that being vulnerable isn't always bad. Opening myself up to vulnerability means that I can foster meaningful relationships, and live as my authentic self. It means that I can feel happy, sad, mad, hurt, lonely, disappointed, joyful, and at peace without shame or regret. Opening myself up to vulnerability has allowed me to take an honest inventory of what is important to me, of the type of person that I want to be, of the hurt I have caused and the forgiveness I need to give, of the privilege I've lived with and the part I play in that. Being vulnerable can hurt, but so much growth is possible through it.

I am trusting where the spirit is moving me
This past year I've taken big leaps of faith. I made the very painful decision to end a relationship that I knew was no longer right for me, that I could not commit my full self to. I decided not to apply for graduate school, and not to move to New York after graduation, like I was supposed to. I chose to regain control over my life and commit to living it in a way that was authentic and true to who I am and who I want to be. Even though some may have thought it was too soon, I began dating Joe because there was something there that felt right and I couldn't ignore that feeling, I chose to allow myself to be happy and I'm so glad I did--I've found the man that I know I will marry. I made the decision to apply to the Episcopal Urban Intern Program in Los Angeles to do a year of service instead of getting a full-time job in my hometown. I accepted that position and moved across country to live in intentional community and spend a year working towards social justice in the company of other devoted young people. I choose to listen to God, to the spirit moving in and around me and trusting that when I follow, it will guide me. I am taking risks and living in a meaningful way because I am tired of playing it safe. I am ready to listen to who God is calling me to be, I am trusting where the spirit is moving me.

I am experiencing God's grace every single day
"God's grace is not defined as God being forgiving to us even though we sin. Grace is when God is a source of wholeness, which makes up for my failings. My failings hurt me and others and even the planet, and God's grace to me is that my brokenness is not the final word...It's God saying, 'I love the world too much to let your sin define you and be the final word. I am a God who makes all things new". --Nadia Bolz-Weber
You make beautiful things out of the dust, You make beautiful things out of us.

This time of reflection, prayer, vulnerability, community, growth is just what I needed in this season of Lent. May we all take time to reflect and remember who we are, and who we were created to be.

Below are some peeks into how I've spent my time in reflection the last couple of months
A Work In Progress--the faith community I am in on Thursday nights.
A Work In Progress--the faith community I am in on Thursday nights.

A Work In Progress--the faith community I am in on Thursday nights.
FTE West Coast Discernment Retreat, Lake Arrowhead California--February 2015
FTE West Coast Discernment Retreat, Lake Arrowhead California--February 2015
FTE West Coast Discernment Retreat, Lake Arrowhead California--February 2015

EUIP Winter/Spring Retreat at Camp Stevens, near San Diego CA

EUIP Winter/Spring Retreat at Camp Stevens, near San Diego CA

Versed--the Lenten series for young adults in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles

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